EI (First Years Introduction Committee)

Hi there! 

🥚 <— Is this you?!  

EI is a Dutch abbreviation for First Years Introduction committee, which means that we organize everything for the introduction period of the new students. This introduction period consists of the introduction day, introduction drinks, introduction weekend and a party. The last few years we have also organized an activity in during the dies week (anniversary of Idun). In the first seven months of the academic year we have a meeting once every two weeks. So, you don’t have to worry that it will take up too much time from your studies! The last 2 weeks of the summer vacation (preparation weeks) we meet up at the Linnaeusborg to organize and fix the last things for the introduction period! 


Within the EI we have different kind of functions. For example, you can be our next secretary, treasurer or head of acquisitions. But you can also be head of the DJ’s, godparents or KookCie. So there’s always something to do for everybody! 


Besides all these serious things, we love to do nice things together because we’re not only a committee but also a close group of friends. We like to drink beer together and go on committee weekend and vacation. Before every meeting we like to eat with the whole committee and sometimes we go out afterwards. Also, as a first year member of the EI (baby-ei) you organize the EI day together. You can do whatever you guys want and make it as crazy as possible!! 


The EI 


P.S. The EI was first