Harassment protocol
Harassment Protocol GLV Idun
*DISCLAIMER: While the board wants to help and support everyone that experienced any kind of sexual intimidation or harassment, they are not trained individuals. The board is there to offer a listening ear and help out if possible, but the board will direct you to professionals, either the university confidential counsellor or Centrum Seksueel Geweld, if the board feels like they cannot assist you in the situation.*
Idun is an inclusive community where everyone should feel safe. However, incidents can happen, and a person might feel intimidated or harassed at one of our events or in our members lounge. To help these people (from here on addressed as victims), a victim of (sexual) harassment can file a complaint, both anonymously or non-anonymously. This complaint will be handled by the internal confidential contact person of GLV Idun.
In this way the board attempts to lower the threshold for victims to come forward and talk about their experiences, even if they do not wish to take their matter to the university confidential counsellor.
The complaint can be filed through a google form linked here and on the webpage “Harassment protocol” on www.idun.nl. The confidential contact person of the board will check these forms twice a week. To lower the threshold for alarming the board about any form of harassment, there are multiple options.

*In case of a non-anonymous complaint, the confidential contact person will reach out to the victim, and offer a listening ear. If needed, the confidential contact person from the board can redirect the victim to individuals who are trained to handle these complaints, like the academic advisor, the confidential counsellor of the university, or “Centrum Seksueel Geweld”, which is an organization that helps victims of sexual assault with psychological help.
**The harasser will be called by the board’s confidential contact person, who will follow a standardised calling script. They will inform the harasser about the fact that there was a complaint, and what it was about. The place and time of the harassing will not be mentioned towards the harasser, to ensure the anonymity of the victim.
All the names are stored in a safe place, where the confidential contact person can access them. All the information collected will be deleted two years after the complaints were filed.
If the confidential contact person notices that a name of a harasser is mentioned in multiple complaints, then and only then, will they mention this to the other board members, after which the board will decide on possible consequences. This decision is made in cooperation with the Council of Advice. In this process, the victims are kept anonymous to the other board members and Council of Advice.