De Wabber
Great job, you found the page of one of the most fun committees of Idun! We are a committee of 10-
12 people that organize a lot of fun activities together. These activities include karaoke, pubquizzes,
beerpong tournaments, a games weekend, a barbecue at the end of the year and weekly drinks
every Thursday with occasional themes and there is still more to explore throughout the year(s).
Additionally, we go on a committee trip twice a year through the Netherlands.
So do you like playing beerpong? Or are you the best at boardgames? Do you like to have fun while
organizing activities? Do you feel at place at a social gathering? Then join the Wabber!
In order to organize all our activities we meet up every two weeks on Monday evening to talk them
through while also having a fun time. Does this sound as something you would like, then do not
hesitate to talk to anyone of us and come take a look at one of the weekly drinks or any other
XXX The Wabber