


Ingredients 8 tablespoons of oil 8 onions chopped 10 cm ginger grated 16 cloves of garlic finely chopped 2400 gr green... read more

  • SDPA recipes
Sauce momos

Sauce momos

Ingredients  - 15 tomatoes  20 dried chili peppers  25 garlic cloves cut in small pieces  25 grains of black pepper... read more

  • SDPA recipes


Ingredients 1.3 kg of rice flour 3.6 l water () 32 eggs 0.5 kg vegetarian minced meat 32 g coriander 5 teaspoons... read more

  • SDPA recipes
Vegetarian momos

Vegetarian momos

Ingredients  18 chopped garlic cloves  16 cm piece of ginger chopped in small pieces  12 chili peppers chopped in small... read more

  • SDPA recipes
Chicken momos

Chicken momos

Ingredients  75 g chopped onion  2 sticks of celery chopped in small pieces  1 bundle of spring onion 3 cm of chopped... read more

  • SDPA recipes