Commishier: InNatura
Learning new things doesn't have to be boring. That's something InNatura, as the Braintainment Committee of GLV Idun,... read more
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Commishier: LuCo
The members of the 3rd Lustrum Committee a.k.a. LuCo In June 2021 it will have been 15 years since GLV Idun, our beloved... read more
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Commishier: InNatura
Learning new things doesn't have to be boring. That's something InNatura, as the Braintainment Committee of GLV Idun,... read more
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Commishier: FA
FAllo! We’re the FAntastic, FAbulous, FAnatic, FAmous FA! Idun’s FAvourite committee! We are the foreign committee of... read more
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Bas en z'n Beestjes: Snub-nosed monkey
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. This means that for me every monkey is beautiful. However, taste can differ and... read more
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