Ecology and Evolution Meet & Greet

Ecology and Evolution Meet & Greet

Dear ecologist, 

We have organized a career event specifically tailored for you! Whether you are a first year bachelor or well in your masters this event is made to open your horizons beyond academia and into the professional world. ATKB, IVN, Royal HaskoningDHV and Waterschap Noorderzijlvest will be present. They will host presentations showcasing the diverse career opportunities and roles that lay ahead for you. The presentations will be followed by a networking drink, your chance to gain insights, ask questions, and build valuable relationships that could shape your future. The event will take place on the 12th of February from 15h in the eye, Linnaeusborg. Below you may find a description of the companies, but feel free to look at their websites for more information and ongoing projects. 



We are an independent consultancy bureau, with specialists who are determined to uncover the best recommendations in the fields of Soil & Water, Terrestrial Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, and Geophysical Research. We deliver our advice with approximately 130 colleagues, mainly to governments, businesses, land managers, water boards, housing associations, infrastructure managers, etc. This advice is preferably based on data we've collected by ourselves during the field work. 

Royal HaskoningDHV:

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we work on the development, preservation, and protection of nature, both on land and at sea. Through research and advice, we contribute to goals such as energy transition, climate adaptation, and nature-inclusive construction. How do you make a positive impact on the environment?

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest:

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest stands for safe, sufficient, and clean water for all residents. With this, we establish a foundation for a healthy, sustainable living, residential, and working environment in a large part of Groningen and North Drenthe.


IVN Nature education connects people and nature. We let young and old experience how fun, healthy and important nature is. We do this through nature activities, courses, projects and campaigns. Learning and doing are always central.


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