David Attenborrel

Dear Idunaren,
Get ready for the most marvelous, exciting, and ecological drinking game of all! Ecology Dispute Kakapo returns with our yearly David Attenborrel. On this night you’ll be able to combine the 2 most beautiful things in the world: nature documentaries and beer!
On this special evening we'll enjoy a compilation of David Attenborough’s sensational documentaries, but with a catch; You'll be placing bets on what animal is going to win a fight, or if they'll smash or pass - all while trying not to show excitement when you see something astonishingly cute or gruesome.
Grab your friends and join us the 4th of February at 20.30 in Buckshot, to raise your glass and drink with us to Sir David’s good health!
Space is limited so make sure to sign up before it’s too late, signups open on the 20th of january at 19:00 and you can sign out until the 3rd of feb 9:00!
With love,
Disclaimer: Drinking is fun but of course not obligatory.
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