Have dinner with Cooking Community!

Have dinner with Cooking Community!

Dear food enthusiasts,

Your time to shine has come, because @glvidun is launching its Cooking Community this month! On Tuesday the 28th of May our Cooking crew will prepare a delicious meal for you to eat together with us before the Cocktailparty. So mark this date in your calendar and stay tuned! Location and more information will be announced soon. 


We hope to see you at our first Cooking Community Dinner! 

The Cooking Community


Join the Cooking Crew! Become a Crewcumber!

Do you love cooking? Then join the Cooking Crew of the Cooking Community! The idea behind a community is that it is low effort and easy to join, you can do so the entire year! :)
After filling out the interest form, you will get an invite to join a Cooking community night where you can show of your cooking skills, after which you can join the community if you'd like.* We would love for our community to be as diverse as possible, consisting of active and non-active members, young and (somewhat) old, all the different committees and disputen! So, go fill out this Google Forms and see you at our first community night ;) Even if you cannot join on the 28th, you can already apply to become a Cooking Crew member for our future dinners. We'd love for you to join us!




*we will only select the applicants if a lot of people from the same committee apply, to keep the group as diverse as possible :)