Drink & Think

Drink & Think

Dear Idunaren,

Career paths: for some people they are unstable and rocky and others find their dream job before even graduating. On the 1st of May the Alumni Committee organises another Drink & Think, where we invite some Idun alumni to talk about their study and career path. They will talk about the study and career paths they took to get where they are now, while you can enjoy a cold beverage and some snacks! Of course you can also ask them all the questions about the hoops and hurdles they went through in the process.
The event will take place on May 1st from 17:30 till 19:30 in Linnaeusborg room 5173.0176. You can sign up through the Idun website and it's completely free!

We hope to see you there!

With elderly kisses,
The Alumni Committee



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