Master Committee


As the Master Committee of Idun, we try to include as many master students as possible. Whether you come from the field of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences, Ecology and Evolution, Biomedical Sciences, Marine Biology, or any other Biology-related field, you are welcome at our activities! The activities organized by our committee are a great way of meeting people both within and outside of your own master. Our committee tries to interact with everyone in the Biology-related disciplines by organizing events related to career and education, but of course, we also organize fun social activities. Last year we organized our famous pizza picnic in the Noorderplantsoen, but we also learned a lot about our own well-being, stress, and how to find balance between the two during a workshop. If you want to be the first to know about which activities we have in store for you, follow us on Instagram!

Members from left to right: Gala van der Meer, Anouk Teelken, and Anne Coerts.


Master Committee 2023-2024

Anne Coerts (2018) -
Gala van der Meer (2023) -
Anouk Teelken (2019) -